Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Grammie Git 'ur Gun!

I've always been a fan of the Beverly Hillbillies but I don't necessarily think I compare to Granny....or Ellie May for that matter.  Not even Miss Hathaway - now that's funny!  

...Then one day he was shootin' at some food, and up from the ground came a bubblin' crude.  Oil that is.....black gold...Texas tea!

Honey, I've got it!  The next item on my Fab-50 Bucket List is going to make us rich!

....The next thing you know the ol' Ward's are millionaires and the kin-folk said...Y'all move away from there!  They said, Californy is the place you oughta be...but they said No thanks...and they fixed a glass a tea!  Sweet tea....fishing holes.....Lanexa stars!

I want to visit a firing/shooting range!  I don't even know where one is or what you have to do to set it up.  But, I'm gonna do it!

Grammie - git 'ur gun!

Isn't it funny how we remember all the words to those childhood songs like...the Ballad of Jed Clampett....Fred Flintstone....Yabadabadooo!, Scooby Do, and Lawrence Welk's Goodnight song....

Now before you start singing, you have to stand up and start swaying, just like Bobby and Sissy....Goodnight, Sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you. Here's a wish and prayer that all your dreams come true.  And now til we meet again.....Adios, Au Revior, Auf Weidersehen....Good night! (Cindy...that's for you!)

I just had a visual and a strange thought.  I wonder what Lawrence Welk would've done if ol' Granny walked onto his stage, boots clompin?!  Made me laugh.....Good night!

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