How does a woman find Joy? How does anyone find Joy?
God promises to refresh our spirit.......but we have to open our eyes and our hearts!
As I started to pull my thoughts together for this blog post, I searched my many photos of flowers and architectural items because, other than my family, I love to photograph the unexpected and well, I just love flowers too!
I was looking for a photo that would capture....JOY! This is what landed right smack in front of me..........
This photo stackable order from top to bottom....Kiley, Robin (me!), Robbie, Nannie and Dad. Five generations of joining hands, pulling together and as you can see from Nannie's grip...refusing to let go! JOY.
I've had a dream, vision, call it what you want for the last 4-5 years or so to revive our women's ministry at church. For years my prayer has been....God show me what I need to do to for this thirsty ministry. Last week the direction changed a little....well it changed 'a lot a little'!
God - tell me what YOU want me to do and I'll do it. In a matter of minutes, I'd taken over the Young Women's Sunday School class, talked about plans for the women's ministry and headed for home not even worried in the slightest how I'd manage to pull all this together. JOY.
I picked up my Daily Devotional today and the message for today......The Joy of Being Me!...........I fling joy - beyond my next door neighbor's fence, clear across town and into the universe. Then it curves right back around to me. Sometimes with a whack on the head when I need it. Sometimes with a thwack into my heart. But it always comes back. No doubt about it.
Now back to the Young Women's Sunday School class...........If you are a young woman between the ages of 18-25, I invite you to come to our class. You will be blessed! You will be inspired! You will laugh and possibly cry, but you will find JOY...because God promises it will be there.
Flowers.......just because!
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