Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Thrifting Adventure

On the coldest day of my vacation.......we decided to go 'thrifting'....that translates as going to as many thrift stores as we can in one day! 

No worries.....I doubled up on just about everything and off to Richmond I went to meet up with Cindy & Kathy (aka Melvina & Zomelda....shortened to Mel & Zo!).  The origin of those precious names will have to be another post - wink-wink!

I can't even recall everything we talked about and laughed over....but we did! was a blast!  Of course, whenever you go thrifting you always find something that makes you laugh....whether it's a double-knit polyester suit....a hand crocheted toilet seat cover....or a photo that represents the three of us....perfectly!
Agatha Bellmont-Melvina Rothchilds-Zomelda Dagoon
OK - I might as well give the scoop.....Kathy is my sister and Cindy is my first cousin and when we were younger....maybe 10-12 years old, we used to write to each other and with one of my notes, I decided to be funny and address it to a crazy name and see if she'd still get it.  She did!  Melvina Rothchilds did indeed get her letter via the US Mail.

And, on the flip side.....Agatha Bellmont (that's me!) also got her letter in the mail and thus was the start of the sisterhood names.  Ag & Mel quickly came up with a tag for our little sidekick and Zomelda Dagoon was born.

On with the thrifting adventure.....

It only took one stop to start filling up the back of Cindy's van and by the time we completed our last scan of the only remaining thrift store within sight.....the van was full!  And, our dogs were barkin'!

My mission was to find something to put on my dresser for my jewelry each night, a bread basket of sorts, unique Christmas album covers and whatever else I can't live without.  This is a sampling of what I came home with....
The perfect dish for my this!

And, if I ever want to change things up a little.....I have this beauty too!

I'm not sure what this basket came off of...but it's now my bread basket!  A basket full of treasures I cannot have!

75 cents for these three gems that will be transformed into a wearable piece of art!

Old metal cigar box and not quite sure what I'll do with it.  I saw on Pinterest where someone made bracelets out of old tins......might give it a shot but want to try on a dollar tree tin first.

I love books, especially old ones with great titles for display purposes.  This great book of wisdom is only about 4x3 and has a neat note inside stating, "Purchased at an estate sale off Westmoreland St. in 1996.  I have enjoyed this because it contains as much information on lessons of life and if we search in depth many answers to many of our problems - E.B." I love it!
Of course, that's not all I purchased.  I also found a few nutcrackers....NO!  I found THE nutcracker!  But, of course because it will be a Christmas gift for my son-in-law, I couldn't post a picture of it.  Yes, Tim your Christmas gifts were purchased at a thrift store and you WILL like them! (You really will!).

I also found a great little pitcher, a Tiffany's blue linen tablecloth that I'm going to remake into a bathroom curtain and a shiny silver Christmas tree in need of rescuing.  She'll find a new home too!

Mel & usual I thoroughly enjoyed our time together!  Lunch at the Demolition Cafe was delish and as I figured, Andrew was confused why I did not bring home any of the chocolate covered bacon! Ha!  I couldn't really blame it on my aching feet, because they weren't hurting at that point!  Next time.

Love my girls! 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even see you get the forks and the red basket! That day was so much fun and we need to do it more often. Much love to you both! KBG (aka "Zo")


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