Day 24 of Countdown to Mistletoe started @ 5:45 am! I was up and fixing a cup of coffee bright and early. I couldn't do anything too loud quite yet because the boys were still sleeping.
However, I did wrap a few last minute presents, put the finishing touches on a few handcrafted items, prepared the guest room for our overnight guest (Nannie!) and then around 8:00 am - I started cooking and cleaning!
It's a Bailey family tradition to get together on Christmas Eve and this year we invited everyone to share it with us in our new home! We had a house full (~21 people), good food and lots of laughter and reflections on memories past.
To start....Kathy made this bacon that was just.......amazingly fantabulous! Even if you don't eat bacon, you'd love this! The only ingredients were...bacon (of course) topped with a mixture of brown sugar, pepper and crushed nuts. Very yummy Sister Kathy!!
THAT was some seriously good bacon! |
Between the zesty sweet bacon, Cindy's fab mac and cheese and this delicious blueberry pie.....we did NOT go hungry! My Aunt Nancy was the creator of such deliciousness and it was just as wonderful as I remembered. In fact, I have the leftovers in my refrigerator.....mmmmmmmm!
We had our traditional Chinese gift exchange that was followed by some silliness, as usual. We brought a few photo props and hoped everyone would join in and take some funny and festive family photos. As it all played out, only the girls were silly and you can see where we get it from....Nannie made sure she was included with the silliness too! Love your spunk Nan!
Stephen and I would like to personally thank all those that came last night.....Nannie, Mom, Nancy, Chip, Cindy, Kenny, Griffin, Taylor, Britt, Kathy, Paul, Bailey, Jenna, Rob, Haylee, Avery, Andrew, Robert, Raynell, Joyce and Henry. And of course, Skype conversations with Ashley, Tim, Peyton, Levi, Thom and Laura. Miss you guys terribly!
Nan quite often says she has the best family and she is absolutely right! The world deals us situations that aren't exactly favorable but at the end of the day, I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful family that I can talk to, laugh with, cry with and well.....just be silly with. Life is good when you are with family!
Now...let's get down to this mistletoe thing.....honey get out your chap stick!
I love this sign! Being 'Merry' at Christmas time is expected, but why does it have to stop there? It doesn't! Grab your honey and give them a big ol' smooch and be merry for the remaining 364 days of the year too. |
OK - Stephen just returned from picking up the top from our wedding cake we shared one year ago today! Mom kept it safe in her freezer all year and it might be a mouthful of pure sugar when we have the traditional piece to celebrate.....but I've been counting down to Mistletoe anyway and as Nannie would say......If you stand under the mistletoe, somebody will get your sugar......Pucker up Babe!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!