Day 19....Potato salad, baked beans and pound cake...Oh my!
Great day today and time with family is always special!
When I knew what Joyce had on the menu, I jumped at the chance to cut up a watermelon. Especially since everything she makes is yummy. She cooks for at least two days and gives us a true feast! She even has homemade relish for the hot dawgs!
- We interrupt this blog post for a funny hot dawg story....We were with Mom and Dad in Smithfield for a funeral and of course we were early. Dad swings into Hardee's to grab a little something to eat. He rattles off everyone's order to the drive-thru speaker and wraps up the order with his selection.....a hot dog! Drive-thru girl: Does that complete your order? Dad: Yep! DTG: Well, whatchu want on dat haut dawg?.....(You know he couldn't let that pass)....Dad: What do I want on my haut dawg? Isa wantin me sum chili, unyuns and mustud on my haut dawg and that duz complete my order. We pulled up and she was waiting for him with a smile!
I didn't really feel deprived today until everyone started eating her homemade pound cake topped with ice cream. What is it about ice cream? We don't keep it in the house....because we'll eat it! We occasionally go out to Sweet Frog or Honey Bee's.....maybe once a month. Daggon' if that's not something I've been craving!
I just kept telling myself....Weigh it out.....How will I feel later if I have some? How will I feel having to start the 30 days all over again? Nope....y'all enjoy your cake! (I came home and made more of my banana-sunflower butter 'ice cream' and waiting for it for freeze!)
And, in case you were wondering....the watermelon was FANTASTIC! It really was, and continues to be, a very tasty treat!
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